Voluteer Opportunities
2024 - 2025 


1. Consider joining the PTSA Board of Directors for 2024 - 2025:


The following positions are currently open: 

  • VP Family& Community Engagement
  • VP Avocacy
  • Co-VP Fundraising
  • Co-VP Membership 
  • Co-VP Enrichment 
  • Co-VP Communications  

Click here for Job Descriptions. 


If interested in a position on the Board, please contact Zainab Kapadia -  president@blackwellptsa.org



2. Consider signing up to lead a Program or Event Committee:


Please fill out the volunteer form to sign up to chair or support our program and event committees.



3. Sign up as a General Volunteer with Blackwell PTSA: 


Do you want to volunteer with us but cannot commit your time right now? Please sign up here to be placed on our general volunteer list. General volunteers are contacted by Program and Event Chairs and invited to sign up for specific activities within a defined timeframe. When you get the email, you can decide whether you can take time out to volunteer. 



Volunteer Expectations

  • All volunteers must be approved as a volunteer through the Lake Washington School District. Volunteer approval is valid for two years after which it must be renewed.Note that it can take up to two weeks to process for approvals, so please plan accordingly. Click here to get district approval. 

  • Review the LWSD Volunteer Handbook

  • When you come to school:
    1. Sign in at the main office. 

    2. Wear a name tag or a volunteer badge while you are in the building. All approved volunteers are invited to come in to get their personalized volunteer badge made on picture day. 
    3. Sign out at the main office when you leave. 
  • Keep all student information confidential. 

  • Contact your Chair if you cannot make your scheduled volunteer time. 

  • Our volunteers are very important to us! If you have any concerns or questions, pleace contact Ritika Sharma - executivevp@blackwellptsa.org 



Elizabeth Blackwell PTSA 2.8.54
3225 205th Pl NE
Sammamish, WA 98074
EIN 91-1911244